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AquaMate - I squeeze the trigger but nothing is coming out
Problem: I am trying to clean my carpet with the AquaMate and when I push the trigger no water is coming out of the tubes. What might be the problem? Possible Causes:
Kirby has no suction (belt and fan are fine)
Kirby runs fine, no weird sounds or smoke. Brush roll is spinning (I know how to put the nozzle properly) and I am sure that fan is fine too - however it still has poor suction. What coul
Vacuum cleaner testing and parameters
How vacuum cleaners are being tested and what is important or not to consider before buying a new vacuum cleaner? Disclaimer: We are not a affiliated with any vacuum cleane
Rainbow vacuum cleaner E2 model 12 review by
Disclaimer: is not affiliated with The Rexair, Inc. (Rainbow vacuum cleaner manufacturer).  This review of Rainbow model vacuum model is authored by is not endo
How often do I have to change Rainbow filter
Question: How often you should replace the filter? Disclaimer: is not affiliated with The Rexair, Inc.(Rainbow vacuum cleaner manufacturer).  A