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Kirby was in storage / basement for years
Last Updated: 06/25/2011
I had it stored in the basement for the past couple of years and brought it up to use. However, it won't run. The light doesn't work either. Would this be the switch or the motor? Or, something else?

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Kirby kept in storage / basement for years won't work
Basements and some storage units are tend to have more moisture and this may have resulted in excessive corrossion.
So it can be:
  • Switch
  • Motor
  • Cord
  • Combination of the above or and/or something else

  • Something else would pretty much be limited to correct use of the vacuum. You have to make sure that there is nozzle or hose AND bag installed on the unit. They press switch levers and it must be done in order for the vacuum to start. See full instructions HERE

    Few things to try before you incur any expense:
    Spin the motor by hand a few times then try turning it on. Carbon motor brushes may have lost contact with the coper comutator plates)
    If you know how - check if cord is intact and supplying power to the unit.

    If all the above is checks out you will have to invest some money:
    Try a new new cord if you ddid not know howto check old cord.
    Try new switch

    To make 100% sure that it will work - get a new motor along with the switch. We have pre-owned motors too that we check and make sure they work before shipping. We may have "100+ orders ship free" promotion so adding the motor will qualify your order for free shipping and save you 10 dollars or so.
    New Motor
    Pre-owned motor

    If the vacuum starts and you did not install another motor - listen to dry bearing sound. If Kirby has been sitting in damp basement moisture may have corroded bearings and or contacts so it may be the best just to get

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