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Kirby vacuum stinks
Last Updated: 05/28/2009
My Kirby vacuum stinks.No smoke or not like something is burning. I replacing the disposable bag, tried odor killers, fragrances, leaving it outside for a few days - still smell is pretty bad. How do I get rid of it?

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Cleaning Kirby bag and fan system
Usually you have several pounds of dirt in the disposable bag at any given time and it is not a problem while it is dry. When some moisture gets in there (vacuumed something wet or a few very humid day s..) dirt gets some moisture, bacteria starts growing and here comes the stench. Smell gets absorbed by the outer cloth bag and it does not matter that you put in a new disposable bag - it still stinks.

Washing Kirby outer bag:
  • Remove bag assembly from the Kirby vacuum
  • Remove plastic bag top
  • Remove bag from Mini Emptor / Fill tube assembly

    You will have to remove the strap that is holding the vinyl bag bottom to the plastic shoe-shaped Mini Emptor. You can cut the strap and purchase a new one (search our site for "STRAP") or just use a big cable tie instead (will not look pretty but will get the job done). If you have patience you can try saving the old strap. Click HERE for instructions.
  • Take the cloth bag outside and turn it inside out especially the very corners on the top of the bag - these usually are popular dust bunny hiding places. Shake well.
  • Put it in your washing machine (while inside out), use color safe detergent, avoid HOT water and put it on a "Delicate" washing cycle. Would not recommend washing nothing else along with the bag.
  • DO NOT put it in the dryer. Instead - turn it good side out and hang it to dry.
  • The Mini Emptor / Fill tube assembly you may have to soak in a soapy water for a while (use dish soap). You may even want to leave it overnight to get bigger chunks of dirt inside the mini emptor loose.
  • Then use a toothbrush or similar to reach inside of the mini emptor. Scrub as much as you can reach, rinse well and leave it to dry. Do not rush - let it dry completely so when you shake it you do not hear water splashing inside.
  • When everything is clean and dry - put it back together (Bag strap has to go over BOTH layers of vinyl bag base).

    It also may be helpful to clean inside of the nozzle casting (remove the brush and you will see if it is dirty or not but install brush roll back properly - instructions here) and scrub off accumulation of dirt that may be in the Kirby exhaust (hole that is covered by Kirby bag).

    Now your Kirby should exhale better quality air.

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