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"Buy or not to buy" Kirby vacuum during in home demonstration question answered in 5 minutes
Last Updated: 10/26/2010
"Buy or not to buy" Kirby vacuum during in home demonstration
Do not buy Kirby vacuum from salesman if..
How to get rid of annoying salesman?
Buy Kirby vacuum from salesman if..
"Must to do things" if you buy

Disclaimer: is not affiliated with The Kirby Company and/or The Scott Fetzer Company.  All manuals and maintenance tips for Kirby vacuum cleaners and repair manuals for Kirby model vacuums are authored by and are not endorsed or approved by the Kirby vacuum manufacturer - Kirby Company and/or The Scott Fetzer Company.  These materials  should be only used at your own discretion and risk. .
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    NEVER BUY Kirby vacuum cleaner:
  • Just to get rid of the salesman that just would not leave otherwise.
  • Never buy the Kirby sweeper Just because you intend to cancel tomorrow. Cancellation is your RIGHT not the REASON for the purchase.
  • Because ran out of objections. Sales people know what you will say before you say it. They are trained to deal with ANYTHING you say.
  • To get rid of the salesmen just say that "despite of what was said and whatever you agreed on you were just lead to those responses by his skillful demonstration. You will not be getting the Kirby vacuum today". Be very clear and firm yet polite. Do not let the sales person turn around your "will not be getting the Kirby vacuum today" statement into financing contract with "no payment for 90 days". They may ask if you lied when you said this or that ­ have guts to admit that you were mistaken or even lied a bit just to agree with the salesperson.
  • If sales person is still nice ­ you may offer $50.00 or whatever you feel like offering as he/she does NOT make money on demonstrations (this is where they lie to get in the house).
  • Do not feel guilty about that contest he/she has been pitching is only to put urgency in the deal to get the sale. This is no more than just another version of what you see on TV all the time that sounds like "but wait ­ if you call NOW we will do so and so ".
  • If salesperson becomes rude ­ do not argue but just say that "now you would like him/her to leave".
  • If you feel the person becoming aggressive ­ do not jump into the fight - dial 911.

    BUY Kirby vacuum cleaner if:
  • Would not hurt to "sleep on it" no matter how badly the salesman needs that trip or bonus. Admit - you are excited and may not be able to think clearly. Remember some things in life that you made the decision on the spot and were sorry later. Be assured that you will get the same if not better deal tomorrow. Yet if you tempted to make the deal right there and then while salesman is still in the house ­ can´t blame you.

    When buying Kirby sweeper from salesman in your house you must:
  • Make sure the person who is cleaning the house really loves it. If you "think" that your spouse or cleaning person should love it ­ wrong assumption. He/she may hate it and very expensive vacuum will end-up being another box in the attic.
  • Be sure that you will need another hour or two going through the manual figuring out how to use it. It seems very easy when salesman does it. It really is easy but tomorrow you may just not remember when and where to twist that knob to get that nozzle on properly.
  • Make sure you know the total of payments if this is the financing. It is not unusual to see interest on those vacuum finance contracts well over 20%.

   Leave your options open ­ by law you have 3 business days to cancel the transaction:
  • Avoid paying cash (not even initial deposit) ­ it will make it very hard to cancel the transaction later if you choose to.
  • Consider credit card before you go for the financing.
  • Make sure to retain copies of all signed forms and have the distributors′ phone number, address and finance company phone number.
  • Make sure you have the cancellation form (usually part of the receipt and financing contract).
  • You are promised bags shampoo or any additional accessories that salesman does not have on him ­ deduct retail price for those items from the contract and pay him when he brings what is promised. Often salesman has to buy supplies and accessories from distributor and it is just another reason to "forget" what was promised.

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