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What does new or used Kirby mean?
Last Updated: 12/29/2009
What is:

Brand new Kirby vacuum cleaner
Never used Kirby vacuum cleaner
Demo model Kirby vacuum cleaner
Reconditioned Kirby vacuum cleaner
Rebuilt Kirby vacuum cleaner
Refurbished Kirby vacuum cleaner

and how are they different ?

Disclaimer: is not affiliated with The Kirby Company and/or The Scott Fetzer Company.  All manuals and maintenance tips for Kirby vacuum cleaners and repair manuals for Kirby model vacuums are authored by and are not endorsed or approved by the Kirby vacuum manufacturer - Kirby Company and/or The Scott Fetzer Company.  These materials  should be only used at your own discretion and risk. .
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   Brand new Kirby vacuum cleaner

“Brand New” and “New” is the keyword here. Kirby Co. claims that brand new Kirby sweepers can be advertised and sold only by authorized Kirby distributors during in home demonstration. To reinforce this they would sue a vacuum an independent vacuum shop advertising “Brand New Kirby Sweeper” for sale.
(See Earl Farmer of House of Vacuums case )
This is not surprising that some sellers are afraid of using words “New” or “Brand New” to describe the item they are selling.

   Never used vacuum cleaner
That should be exactly how it sounds. Simply a vacuum system that has never been used. Whatever the seller is honest in describing the system or not – that is whole another story.

   Demo model Kirby vacuum cleaner:
This may be used to describe a Kirby vacuum cleaner that was never out of the box as well as one that would have years worth of use. I used to be a Kirby vacuum salesman and sold “Demo Model” when I needed to “low-ball” the vacuum just to get a sale without making customer feel suspicious about why I am slashing 1000 dollars off the initial price without a good reason (I really do not feel proud about tricks I have pulled and this is why I am not involved in direct sales anymore). Demo model may have been one that I have not had a chance to use for a demo yet as well as the one that I have done 30 or more demonstrations with. 30 demonstrations averaging 2.5 hours is 75 hours. Considering an average household where Kirby system would be used once a week for about 1 hour is 75 weeks (or almost 1.5 years) worth of use.

   Reconditioned Kirby vacuum cleaner
    Rebuilt Kirby vacuum cleaner
    Refurbished Kirby vacuum cleaner
This is the same thing. There is no “government set standard” what rebuilding a vacuum cleaner should be. Everybody does it to their best knowledge and ability. If you would like to know more how we do it – go HERE.
Sometimes you may see used Kirby vacuum cleaners advertised as “Professionally reconditioned”… Professionally it is just the way a person or company feels about their service. I am not aware of any Kirby technician school and even such thing exists – I do not personally know a distributor who had his technician go to such school. We call our reconditioned Kirby sweepers “Professionally Reconditioned” because we believe that we are professionals at what we do. Some Kirby sweepers that we work on at the end look BETTER than new ones. When aluminum is polished by robot it is not as perfect as it can be done by hand. However I have seen some reconditioned units sold by other shops and even authorized dealers that looked much worse than some Kirby vacuums that we buy (before we have a chance to work on them).

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