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How are Kirby models different? Last Updated: 11/19/2011 |
What model is my KIRBY? & What is the difference between all of these models?
We will discuss models released since 1990. It was the year when Kirby Company has released "Generation 3" model that was very different from anything they have been manufacturing before. G3 was very advanced and probably years ahead of any upright vacuum available for purchase back then. While Kirby is notorious for having the rudest and the most aggressive sales tactics within door-to-door sales industry, nearly everybody who had seen the vacuum have to admit that it is a good piece of equipment. There are still some things that could be improved upon (nozzle installation or outer bag safety switch for starters) problems were not addressed by the company in over 20 years. We speculate that this is probably because of a very large financial commitment needed to design and implement a major change. Also company seems to be cutting corners by consistently introducing more plastic parts into the system. We have to give a credit to the company though as the price of the vacuum has not risen significantly even though materials and manufacturing costs are raising at ever increasing rate (especially last few years). However while introducing more and more plastic parts risk of loosing the customer base who has "metal is better" perception is at all time high. So if you are this kind of customer - please consider that in some cases plastic is not any worse than metal. Moreover - it may be even better. Keep in mind that plastic let the company keep system cost for the distributor low so he/she can retail at lower price. If you are not that good at haggling the price with a salesman and have paid top dollar for the vacuum - blame yourself (or nor - we will leave this for you to decide). Why would you buy a newer model? - just like you would trade in a car with more miles for the new one or maybe you just like a different color scheme better.
Kirby model