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Transmission does not work (inspecting primary drive belt)
Last Updated: 05/28/2009
When the drive/gear is engaged when vacuuming carpets, the machine flips up on the pull back stroke or the automatic push/pull doesn't seem to be working.
Possible Causes:
Kirby tech-drive is sort of like the gear box in a car with a manual transmission. When the motor is running gear box passes momentum to the wheels and that is what propels the car. When the motor is not running, the gear box will act as a parking brake when in gear. Tech drive will do the same to Kirby vacuums when the pedal is in "D" and the motor is off. It would act just like the problem described above and that would be normal when kirby is off. In this case that happens when motor is running so I think that the link (Primary Drive Belt) between the motor and gear box (Tech-Drive) is broken or there is something wrong with the gears.
Suggested Solutions :
Before you buy any parts we have to make sure that this is the belt or gears. Follow instructions below to access the belt and see if this is what causes the problem.

Meanwhile you should be able to use your kirby while tech drive is set to "N". It will not turn the wheels and drive the Kirby for you but it will disengage the wheel shaft from the transmission so you should be able to push and pull the Kirby vacuum.

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Inspecting Kirby Vacuum Primary Drive Belt
FIRST unplug the Kirby from electric outlet!
Remove Kirby handle assembly

Remove the bag assembly and the handle assembly (to remove the handle you have to press the button hidden under the vinyl boot and pull the handle up)

Kirby scuff plate removal step 1 Remove screws holding Kirby Scuff plate.

Top one is Torx screw T15
Bottom one is Torx screw T20

Depending on the model they may be Phillips screws.
Kirby scuff plate removal step 2 Put a screwdriver through the rectangular hole on the scuff plate about 1/4 of an inch and push it a bit down.
Scuff plate hook This lifts a hook and releases the scuff plate from the shell.

Rear kirby shell screws Now it should look just like this. 2 more Torx T20 screws are revealed. Take them out.

Fron kirby shell screws Two more Torx T20 screws on the front of the unit. They are last screws that have to be unscrewed and now you can remove the aluminum shell .
Kirby transmission belt Now you can see Kirby Vacuum Primary Drive Belt. Check if it is in tact.

Before you touch it - make sure that the Kirby is unplugged from electric outlet! It is not supposed to turn on when the bag assembly is not installed but if the safety switch fails - you may get hurt.
Work backwards to put everything back together.
Proper tech drive and handle pivot installation older models

Just a note. While you have the Kirby shell off you may want to inspect if HANDLE PIVOT SPRING ASSEMBLY is properly engaged with the transmission. Improper installation would cause a different problem (wheels spinning forward or reverse all the time) but it does not hurt to check it while you have everything open.

This is for Kirby vacuum models G3, G4 and G5.

Proper tech drive and handle pivot installation newer models This is for Kirby vacuum models Gsix, Ultimate G, Ultimate G Diamond Edition and Sentria.

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