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Which Kirby Fill Tube do you need?
Last Updated: 10/14/2016
How to figure out what fill tube your Kirby needs.

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How to figure out what fill tube your Kirby needs.
There are 4 Types of Fill Tubes

Note on installing - when using cable ties make the lock face the back. wrap it with electrical tape or duct tape to hide sharp edges of the tie so you would not accidentally cut yourself when replacing disposable bag or it would not damage the bag.

Early Heritage and Legend Kirby Fill Tube
Very Old Fill Tube (Early 80s Heritage, Legend models):

This is very old fill tube. Very very few Kirby vacuums will have this fill tube, vacuums that may have this fill tube would be early 80s Heritage and Legend models. You can find this part here.
Old Style Fill Tube
Old Style Fill Tube (G3, G4 and G5 models):

This old style fill tube is a flexible tube reinforced with a wire that runs inside of it. Is installed by "screwing it" onto the neck of the mini-emptor and securing with one or two cable ties. We suggest wrapping it with electrical tape or duct tap so shark cable tie lock edges will not cut hands or bag.

Will only fit old style mini-emptors as seen below. You can purchase here.

Snap Fill Tube

Snap Fill Tube (For Disposable Bag G3 - Sentria models)

All serviced miniemptors manufactured after 2000 or so were new design. Kirby discontinued wire reinforced and redesigned miniemptor so now the tube snaps onto it. You may need to submerge end of tube into the hot water so it stretches better and is easier to bring it over the bump on the miniemptor. Secure it with cable ties to the neck of the shoe-like miniemptor and the top elbow. You can purchase this fill tube here.

all miniemptors manufactured for repair of G3, G4 and G5 models
all G6, Ultimate G, Ultimate G Diamond, and early model Sentria 1 Sentria 2 have these.

New Snap Tube Avalir
New Snap Fill Tube (For Sentria, Sentria II, Avalir)

Very similar to one above (G6 through SE2 but Kirby redesigned miniemptor yet again. Now the neck has two bumps. Tube is still secured with cable ties.
You can purchase this tube here.

So this will only fit later Sentria, Sentria II and Avalir Kirby Vacuums. Make sure your miniemptor looks like the one pictured above.

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