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Kirby Sentria II model
Last Updated: 02/19/2015
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Kirby Sentria II

Kirby vacuum cleaner model "Sentria 2" was released by Kirby Co. in September of 2012

This is well overdue change of model. Usually Kirby Co. comes up with a new model every 2-3 years but this time it took them whole six years.
What is new? – NOTHING. Long anticipated important improvements and radical changes are pushed few years ahead once again. In a few years Kirby turns 100 so today it seems unthinkable that it would not be totally new design though yet we all may be proven wrong once again. This time around it is just the usual new pattern on the outer cloth bag and new color scheme – nothing more.
Kirby still remains one of the most powerful and durable systems, however the lack of versatility is partially to be blamed for it being one of the most complicated to use vacuums. This is why we believe there is definitely space for improvement.

Just to satisfy your curiosity here are some pictures of New Sentria 2 vacuum cleaner model

Kirby Sentria II sweeper pictures
Kirby Sentria II upright vacuum
Kirby Sentria 2 vacuum picture
Kirby Sentria 2 closeup picture
Kirby Sentria II view from bottom
Kirby Sentria II main motor unit with nozzle
Kirby Sentria II with shell off

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